The ICCS student experience is about much more than textbooks and classrooms. We offer students of all ages a variety of opportunities and activities to help them grow and expand their knowledge, faith, and leadership skills. There is something for everyone ranging from team sports and service-driven organizations to an array of school clubs and weekly faith-based gatherings.

Work hard, play hard! ICCS is a place where you can hit the field or court as hard as you hit the books. 4th through 8th grades have the opportunity to play a variety of sports.
Basketball (grades 5th-8th)
Cheerleading (grades 7th-8th)
Cross Country (grades 5th-8th)
Football (grades 6th-8th)
Panther Pom Dance Line (grades 7th-8th)
Track & Field (grades 5th-8th)
Volleyball (grades 7th-8th)

Activities & Organizations
There's always some way for your student to be involved at ICCS. We recognize the need for developing the whole child by teaching them skills achieved through leadership, working in groups, and service to the community.
Campus Ministry
Mighty Mu Math Competitions
National Jr. Beta Club
Praise Band
For a complete list of activities & organizations, click HERE.

Faith Formation
Pre-K through 8th Grade students are encouraged to strengthen and grow their faith daily. Some of the Catholic formation programs offered at Immaculate Conception Cathedral School include:
Grade-level class retreats
Praise Band/Choir
Annual Blessing of the Classrooms
For a complete list of formation programs, please click HERE.